Latest News

Reaching out to PALM workers
For many years now, The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme has allowed businesses in the agriculture and food manufacturing sectors to hire workers from nine Pacific islands and Timor-Leste, when not enough local workers are available.
1 Jun 2024
Going the distance in the Central Mallee
Steve & Vanessa Weickhardt returned to BCA this year to take up ministry in the parish of Central Mallee, where they are going the distance, travelling between 1000 and 1500 kilometres each week.
31 Aug 2023
Post & Rails Winter 2023
Messages of congratulations, welcomes and farewells from across the BCA family...
1 Jun 2023
Post & Rails Autumn 2023
Messages of congratulations, welcomes and farewells from across the BCA family...
1 Mar 2023
A big day for announcements
Today is a big day for announcements; some exciting new appointments as well as one farewell.
4 Dec 2022

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