MOVE is a one-day missions conference that we pray God will use to MOVE His people in the NT in their thinking about God and His mission for them in this world – both now and in the future.  Come and be inspired by great Bible teaching, music, food, barista coffee and stories of what people have done and are doing. MOVE is also a chance to connect with people who can encourage and help you work out possible next steps for your life. 

WHY come to MOVE?

Some of Jesus’ last words to his followers were, Go, make disciples of all nations … (Matthew 28:18). It seems Jesus’ people are (meant to be) a people on the MOVE , taking the Gospel to new people and places.
Second, it seems we are a people more and more on the MOVE. Research suggests the average young Aussie will work up to 17 different jobs across five different careers and live in any number of places in their lifetime. How can we use our study and/or work to take us to needy places with the Gospel?
Perhaps you’re one of the many whom God has moved to the Northern Territory for work, study, lifestyle or a relationship.  Whether you’re a long-term Darwin local or a recent arrival to the Territory, MOVE is an opportunity to take time out to think about God’s mission for your life!


While MOVE is especially aimed at 18–35-year-olds (Millennials and Gen Z) the conference is for anyone who wants to explore how God might be pleased to use them in His service. That might mean staying long(er) term in Darwin, going remote, perhaps even a MOVE elsewhere in Australia or even overseas!
Maybe you are someone who is (or needs to be) more open to trying your hand as a ministry intern or apprentice? Or maybe you would like to dig deeper into God’s word with some form of formal study in order to be better equipped to tell and teach the Bible to others – whether in vocational ministry or alongside your career. Who knows how God could use you.  So come along!

WHAT can I expect to experience at MOVE?

Rock in at 8.30am to register and grab a barista coffee and we then kick off 9am for our first of three sessions singing out God’s praises, digging deep into the riches of God’s Word, meeting people, hearing stories and lifting everything up to our Lord in prayer. You’ll have plenty of time to connect over snacks and lunch as we enjoy the beautiful surrounds of Nungalinya College.


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WHO is teaching the Bible at MOVE?

Simon Gilham is excited to help to launch MOVE 2024.
Simon will unpack the heart of God and His  mission for us from Philippians. Simon is passionate about enthusing and training men and women to serve the Lord Jesus all over Australia and the world.  Simon is married to Margie and they seem to be always on the MOVE having led church planting ministries in the Hunter Valley of NSW, before MOVING  to serve as missionaries with CMS

at Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary in Africa. In 2016, they were again on the MOVE back 
to Australia for Simon to lead the Missions Department at Moore College where he is now Vice Principal. Margie works for CMS providing pastoral support to missionaries. They have two adult children, Maddie (married to Trace) and Noah. Apart from ministry, they enjoy time with family and friends, and being on the MOVE either sailing or road tripping on their motorbike together.



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HOW do I find out more information about MOVE?

MOVE is a BCA initiative with a team of Jesus loving Darwin locals for Christ’s people in the Northern Territory. 
Feel free to email or call John Warner, BCA SA/NT or better yet, connect with one of the local team members in Darwin helping to make MOVE happen:

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Ben Staunton
5.30 pm Christ Church Darwin

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Emily Quinn
BCA, Nungalinya College,
St Peter's Nightcliff

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Xanthe Weaich
young worker, St James Malak

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Matt Goldman
BCA, New Dad, young adults pastor, Christ Church Darwin

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Kylie Garrett
BCA, SU Australia (NT),
Zion Church Darwin

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Susanna Baldwin
5.30 pm Christ Church Darwin

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Jasper & Megan Hutt
young workers, Dream Builders,
5.30 pm Christ Church Darwin

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