Mission Profile

Theological Bursaries

Indigenous & non-Indigenous

The BCA Theological Bursary initiatives seek to identify and support students to be suitably trained gospel workers committed to serving in a country location.

Our current students
Lonny – Ridley College
Terrence – Youthworks
Malachi – Trinity College
Samuel – Moore College
Riley – Trinity College
Callum – Ridley College

The Theological Bursaries Prayer Points for Winter 2024

  • Please pray that Lonny, Terrence, Malachi, Samuel, Riley & Callum would honour God in their studies and their lives.
  • Ask God to give our six bursary students wisdom as they complete assignments and study for exams. May they be diligent in their studies.
  • Give thanks for their willingness to serve God in rural, regional and remote Australia at the completion of their studies.