Two years and going strong

BCA ONTRACK is now into its second year, so we asked Coordinator Tim Stevens about how the program is going…

What do you think is the best thing about ONTRACK?
I think that there are two things that make ONTRACK a great program to be a part of.
First is the opportunity to think deeply about things that sometime feel off-limits when you’ve moved to a country town. So, we talk openly and honestly about loneliness, missing home, the challenges of life in the bush, and also the huge joys that our city friends often don’t understand.
Second is the unique opportunity that ONTRACK provides to make (digital) friends with those who are living, working, and serving Jesus in very similar contexts, who can support one another through sharing and prayer.

Tim Stevens chatting on Zoom with the 2024 BCA ONTRACK CohortIs the 2024 program different to last year?
The program in 2024 is largely the same. Last year was a pilot year, which means that I learnt a lot of good lessons, so 2024 has all the stuff that worked well, while gladly jettisoning everything that didn’t.

Six graduates who did the program in 2023 have decided to continue this year, can you tell us why?
All the graduates who stuck around are working, living, and serving Jesus in particularly remote locations of Australia. I think they stuck around because ONTRACK is one of the only places that they get to (digitally) be with others in their age group and stage.

What has been particularly encouraging for you?
I am incredibly encouraged by all these young people as they intentionally live lives for Jesus, almost always out of their comfort zone!

What can supporters be praying for?
Please pray that ONTRACK will be a good source of support for the graduates who are currently involved. Pray also that UNI/TAFE students will hear about the ONTRACK program and realise that support is available for those who go bush. Pray they will see that living, working and serving Jesus in the country is not as insurmountable as they think. Finally, pray for opportunities to spread the word about gospel work at university Christian groups in the second half of 2024.


Are you, or someone you know, moving to the bush next year after completing Uni?

BCA ONTRACK is for you.

Check out our website or email Tim for more info for BCA ONTRACK 2025.