Transitioning well to life and work in the bush

Janine van den Tillaart – Communications Coordinator

The first BCA ONTRACK cohort have successfully completed Term 1 of the program. ONTRACK aims to help participants negotiate bumps in the road and thrive as they serve Jesus in the bush. It provides training, mentoring and a cohort of like-minded peers, with the aim of developing their professional, personal and spiritual lives.

Top Greg Harris with Abi in Glen Innes; Bottom: The Stevens and RobertsThe cohort of fourteen met online on Monday nights for five weeks, with the theme for Term 1 focusing on transitioning well, as participants moved from uni to life and work in the bush.

“We want ONTRACK to be a place where people can really think about issues they may not normally think about,” says ONTRACK Coordinator Tim Stevens.

The Term 1 program included guest speakers Mark Calder, Bishop of Bathurst (finding and becoming part of a country church), BCA National Council Member and Chaplain at UNE, Tom Melbourne (How to take responsibility for your own Christian growth) and Moranbah Field Staff Luke Collings (How to get involved in the community, especially  when you feel the pull to return home). Other topics discussed included culture and care.

“It was so encouraging to see these young people on fire for Jesus, wanting to serve him in the bush often at great personal cost (leaving behind family and friends),” says Tim.  Members of the first cohort have moved to places including Karratha, Alice Springs, Armidale, Dalby and Port Pirie.” 

“I recently moved to a rural community to work as a nurse. I was invited to join the ONTRACK program, and it’s been the best thing! Just such a timely opportunity to connect with other Christians making similar transitions into rural and remote communities and share the journey with them. Sure this chapter of my life is challenging, but being part of the ONTRACK program has helped me to see the opportunities, and given me the support and the vision to  really embrace this season and all that it holds.” Abi, Nurse, Glen Innes NSW

“ONTRACK has been a highlight for me each week as I begin my journey in a rural town,” says Hannah, a teacher living in Warwick, Queensland. 

“I felt so refreshed after the first week; hearing Bible-based teaching that directly addressed what I was thinking through, and talking to other grads who understood how I was feeling in a way that my friends back home don’t. It’s super encouraging to know other young people are also in country Australia seeking to serve God across their skill sets.”

The ONTRACK cohort recently commenced its Term 2 program which focuses on Tricky Issues with topics covered including money, politics and Indigenous issues. The program will continue in Terms 3 & 4 with a total of twenty sessions across the year.

If you’d like to know more about ONTRACK email: