Farewell from the Top End Watsons

Jim & Natalie Watson – Former Field Staff

After twenty years serving with BCA in Kununurra and Darwin, we said farewell to the Watson family in March. While BCA supported Jim in his work for most of their years with us, in 2023 we commenced supporting Natalie in her role as Women’s Pastoral Ministry Worker for the Diocese of the Northern Territory.

Jim & Nat share memories of their time with BCA...

‘For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.’ 2 Corinthians 5:14–15

A group of people gathered at the Watsons house in Kununurra for Bible StudyThis was the Scripture on our first BCA newsletter in 2004 as we left suburban Sydney for Kununurra as BCA Co-Workers. Our Toyota Troopy was fully laden with what we thought was needed, our red cattle dog, and 3-month-old baby boy Jesse. There were a lot of unknowns about the journey ahead. Where would we live? Would Jim find work? Who was our new church family? What roles would God have for us? Many unknowns, but convinced and excited that God had a plan and would use us.

During our 20 years as BCA Field Staff, living Christ’s love has looked like: supporting the local church; having three more kids and bringing all four up God’s way; running Bible study in our home; mentoring local young men and women; mowing the church lawn; leading Bethel youth Bible study; gospel outreach; working at Nungalinya College; hospitality, prison ministry Bible study; fostering; home visiting; prayer; funerals; buying or making a meal for a hungry family; mourning; and simply living everyday life God’s way. At times we felt stressed, ill-equipped and that our efforts were small. One Aboriginal brother encouraged us saying that our simple weekly gathering around God’s Word was a spring in the desert for him and his family. Sometimes we think we need to be like a big powerful wet season waterfall to bless others, when all God really needs us to be is a small constant trickling spring.

One of the things we hadn’t anticipated was that God would give us the opportunity to minister to, and be ministered to, by Aboriginal people. This didn’t happen straight away, but started slowly over our first six years in Kununurra. Building relationships took time, understanding and humility from all. We have met people who we strongly admire for their Christ-like persistent love, continual dependence on prayer, deep trust and unshakable faith. It has been life changing and a privilege to get to know and walk alongside people from a different culture and life experience.

God also had a plan to use relationships that were forged through the hardships of remote living. Isolation from family meant a deeper need to build new, rich friendships. This has included regular activities like church fellowship and services, community outreach events, mainly music, Sunday school, youth group, time with BCA Nomads and combined services in Whitegum
Park. It also meant deeper sorrow as people moved on and sometimes we wondered if there would be a longterm impact. One woman who came along to mainly music, not yet a Christian, encouraged Nat by saying she thought our team must be God’s answer to her Auntie’s faithful prayer that God would give her close Christian friends to share their faith with her. What a joy to be part of that answer to prayer.

God’s plan was also bumpy with quite a few trips to Accident and Emergency, flights for emergency surgeries, school or education difficulties, cancer treatment, and house break-ins. We are very thankful to God for His provision and healing, and the prayers of BCA supporters.

As we finish our journey as BCA Field Staff, again there are unknowns about the journey ahead. For now, though, we will stay living in Darwin. Jim continues to train apprentice carpenters at TAFE. Nat is considering employment options and will visit NSW more often. Jesse, now 20 years old, works in IT. Matthew is 18 and studying Physiotherapy, Luke is 16, in Year 11 and seeking an electrician apprenticeship. Our youngest Isabel is 13 and in Year 8. Above all we are convinced and excited that God has a plan and will use us.