BCA 4 Kids: What is your Eggsonality?

Rachel Dirks – BCA 4 Kids Coordinator

What is your Eggsonality?

Want to know your Easter egg personality? Always been curious where you would come out in a specifically designed quiz to reveal your approach to the humble egg? Well, we have the quiz for you!

(Of course, this is all in good fun and not a true representation of your personality, we know there is far much more to you than Easter eggs, however we love a bit of fun here.)

As Christmas finishes you notice there are already hot cross buns and Easter eggs available on the shelves, is your response:
A: Hallelujah! I have been waiting all year for this!
B: Alert the church elders, this cannot be!
C: I understand the need for them to come out at some time, but I shall not purchase a single thing until the appropriate time.

How do you feel about ye ole’ Easter egg hunt?
A: Are you kidding! I LOVE Easter egg hunts! In fact, you can find me practicing all year, I take any and every opportunity to prepare for the big day.
B: Easter egg hunts! Diabolical, I much prefer Easter eggs presented in a basket.
C: Well, I don’t mind them as long as it is fair. For example, have you seen the laminated cards that label how many and what category of Easter egg you can collect? Very civilised.

When it comes to an Easter egg gift do you prefer:
A: A heap of variety, big eggs, small eggs, different varieties of chocolate, different shapes. The more colour and the larger the pile the better.
B: A simple and dignified egg not too big not too small, appropriate for the occasion.
C: I have an Easter egg I really like, one I am particularly fond of and sentimental about. If I just get that egg I will be blissfully happy.

Easter is over and you have so many Easter eggs and hot cross buns left, would you turn them into recipes?
A: Great! The more the merrier hot cross bun puddings, Easter egg hot chocolates, I’m in. Let’s make the most of this season.
B: I would hope there wouldn’t be anything left as I have had an ample amount.
C: Well, as long as it is traditional, one we have every year and it tastes good, I’m fine with it, who doesn’t love an extra special treat.

This question is paramount to the investigation. Are you the type of Easter egg consumer who:
A: Eats them all quickly, let’s say in the first day or two.
B: Given I am only hoping for one or two, I may eat them slowly over a number of days.
C: I take my time. I put them in the fridge and mark them as not to be eaten by others, however I know my siblings will slowly get to them.


If you answered mostly A, you are our Enthusiastic Easter Lover. You love all things Easter and want to celebrate for as long as you can.

If you answered mostly B, you are our Minimalist Easter Lover, you love Easter, but like any good Scandinavian design, you love the celebrations with class and style.

If you answered mostly C, you are our Sentimental Traditionalist Easter Lover. You love Easter because it is wonderful and you love all the tradition behind it.

We all love Easter because of what it represents, the wonderful news of Jesus’ salvation once and for all time. John 3:16 reminds us that “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” That is what we remember and celebrate at Easter. The eternal love of the Father who loved His Son and loved us so much that He gave His son as a gift, so that through Jesus we might have forever life with Him. So whether you are an Enthusiastic Egg Lover, a Minimalist Egg Lover, or a Tradtionalist Egg Lover, we all have something to celebrate – the Good News of Jesus and His resurrection life.

Happy Easter my friends.

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