ANNOUNCEMENT: A farewell in Victoria

Greg Harris – National Director

Today I’m sad to be farewelling Steve & Vanessa Weickhardt from the BCA Community.

Steve & Vanessa faithfully served BCA in the role of Mallee Missioner for just over two years. Previous to that they were in the BCA- supported location of Strathfieldsaye (2011–2019) where I worked closely with them while I was in the Diocese of Bendigo. I saw first-hand their passion for Jesus and faithfulness to share the Gospel in the bush.

Steve & Vanessa are returning to Bendigo to be closer to family, particularly their ageing parents, and look forward to ongoing service in the Diocese.

Please join with me in praying for Steve & Vanessa as they make this move at the end of March. Pray also for Central Mallee and Sunyrasia South as they farewell the Weickhardts and await a new minister to care for their communities.