Sad Farewells

Greg Harris – National Director

It is with sadness I must announce today, that due to family and health concerns, Kylie & Matt Garrett (SU Australia, NT), along with Steven & Caitlin Klouth (West Wyalong), are set to leave the BCA family this year.

Kylie commenced with SU (Australia) NT as their Field Development Manager in January 2023 and will conclude her role at the end of the school year.  

“It was after much prayer and consideration of family needs that Matt and I decided that at the end of the year we need to finish up our roles here in Darwin,” says Kylie. “It has not been an easy decision but with my parents needing additional support, we need to return to Port Macquarie to care for them.

“We have appreciated the support of BCA to both my role with Scripture Union and to us. The end of this year will mark two years in the position, and we are proud of all we have been able to accomplish in the role, the team we have built, and the young leaders we've encouraged.”

Steven & Caitlin commenced serving with BCA in 2021, firstly working as a student minister in Kelso and the Bathurst Cathedral, and then moving to West Wyalong at the start of last year. Through Steven’s teaching, many in West Wyalong have grown in their understanding of the Gospel and God’s Word. 

The Klouths will finish on 31 July and take some time off before prayerfully seeking God’s will for their next steps.

“I am so grateful to Steven & Caitlin for their partnership in the Gospel in West Wyalong over the past 18 months,” says Bishop of Bathurst, Mark Calder. “In thanking the Lord for Steven and Caitlin's time here, we must also thank Bush Church Aid for their incredible support, without which, having a priest in West Wyalong would not be possible.”

Please would you join with me praying for Kylie, Matt & Ava, as well as Steven, Caitlin, Hannah & Rachel as they finish up in their roles. We give thanks to God to their willingness to go the distance for the Gospel in the bush.