Pilot Indigenous Chaplaincy Program at Nungalinya College

Greg Harris – National Director

I’m excited to announce that in 2024 BCA is teaming up with Nungalinya College to run a pilot Indigenous Chaplaincy Program.

Ruth Walton and the Nungalinya Indigenous ChaplainsA number of Indigenous leaders participated in Nungalinya’s Applied Ministries course in 2023. This course prepares students for Chaplaincy roles in their home communities in places such as schools, hospitals, and aged care.

As part of their training, these students ‘shadowed’ the four Nungalinya Deans for two weeks; following up on absences, providing pastoral care and communicating with the Dean about their activities, and concerns for students. This proved a rewarding experience for the students, and many were reluctant to end their placement.

Nungalinya’s pilot Indigenous Chaplaincy Program, in partnership with BCA, will offer this year’s graduates the opportunity to use the skills developed in their training. One student will be invited to minister in each of the four-week Foundations block in a similar way to their 2023 placement.

Please pray for the initial planning for this program and that once it begins, that the Chaplains will develop positive relationships to benefit the broader student body.